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本公司營業項目 營造業 金屬相關工程 不銹鋼工程 鍛造欄杆工程 玻璃門窗. 自動門窗工程 不銹鋼, 金屬建材, 玻璃門, 防水閘門, 氣密窗, 爬梯, 欄杆扶手, 地鉸鍊, 門窗, 繪圖員需備CAD相關繪圖技能
Seagull Scientific is an USA Company founded in 1985. We are the developer of “BarTender,” a leading software application well known around the world for excellence in label printing, bar code generation, and RFID encoding. Our software is used both stand-alone and as an integrated component of large-scale supply chain management solutions based on platforms from SAP, Oracle, Microsoft and others. Seagull is now approximately 90+ people Software Company worldwide. The Seagull Asia-Pacific Headquarter is the Taiwan branch, located in Taipei. It is one of three offices outside of the USA that have actively contributed to our steady long-term growth. Crucial to our success over many years has been the careful evaluation of talent and the recognition and reward of employees for their excellence and hard work. So, Come Join The Team! This is truly an exciting time for us, but we definitely need to have the right people onboard to help us reach the next level. If you are a creative individual that enjoys the challenges of hard work in exchange for real opportunity and recognition for your efforts, please e-mail us your resume and cover letter for consideration. 美商海鷗科技創立於西元1985年,總公司位於美國華盛頓州的西雅圖. 於1987年推出第一個標籤列印軟體 「BarTender」至今已翻譯完成20多種國際語言,銷售全世界. 亞太區域據點是於2004年成立. 就在臺灣! 加入我們! 激勵員工「勤奮」和「創造」,讓員工在職場上盡情發揮、成長和迅速提升責任感是我們的經營理念;我們提供您愉快、舒適的工作環境,歡迎熱誠、向上、個性開朗、以及有責任感的人士加入我們的行列。 流利的英文是我們必備的要求,如果您有興趣加入我們的行列, 請將您的英文履歷以電子郵件的方式寄給我們.
Contrarian Group 為一橫跨航運、物流、後勤、和海運之跨國企業,於亞洲尋求充滿活力、知識豐富之職員。我們尋求對於近東、中東、與遠東物流和全球物流有豐富經驗的職員。 我們需要職員分析現行物流、航運之流程,同時為我們的客戶研擬商品物流策略和方法,以滿足他們於此地區的需求。 A multi-national company that provides shipping, logistics and maritime services is looking for energetic, knowledgeable candidates to expand its footprint in the Asian market. The ideal candidate would have current experience in Near and Middle East, East Asia and world-wide shipping. Responsibilities include providing analysis of current processes to develop strategies that meet our clients requirements for a wide range of services sourced from within the region. Expertise in one or more of the following areas is preferred: - Port security personnel - Inspections - Database management - Shipping managers - Customs enforcement - Logistics coordinators - Disaster recovery systems and plans - Data backup services and management - Analysis - Communication technology and IDS - Operating systems and platforms - Documentation Managers - Sales managers - Freight forwarding If you are interested, please email your resume and contact details to [email protected]
Lantiq is an international fabless semiconductor organization of approximately 1,100 people which has a 20+ year record of technology leadership, innovation and strong customer relationships. Its holistic understanding of broadband technology, complete applications, communication standards, and legacy networks enables the company to offer the broadest portfolio of highly integrated, flexible end-to-end semiconductor solutions for next generation networks and the digital home. If you are an ambitious individual looking to join an international company at the forefront of technology and innovation, we welcome you to expand your horizons with us. With technologies that shrink the world. Interested applicants, please email your full resume stating current and expected salaries to [email protected] For more information, visit us at our website:http://www.lantiq.com
PERFECT POTION結合了芳香療法,研製而成的十餘大類,160多項產品,其原料都是萃取自天然植物的精華,其香氣都是來自天然植物的細緻純香且都符合天然有機認證機構的許可與授權,其產品絕對不含任何動物成份、礦物油、人工合成的色素、香料、防腐劑、石蠟、化學物質及基因改造植物的萃取物,也絕不做殘忍的動物試驗,更不使用具有放射性的輻射線來做有機原料的殺菌與消毒,就連產品的包裝,也都必須是可回收再生利用的材質,做到善盡環境保護與生態平衡的責任。
本公司至力於生產機器使用之高精密鎢鋼刀具,行銷世界各地。 In 1991.when the world recession hit and International sells declined, we focused more on the domestic market today we service both the domestic and International markets The main concept behind Speed Tools has been providing quality & competitive cost, delivery & Service are achieves the high quality standard productive, accuracy and performance results. High worker productivity has allowed us to have strong growth over the last few year established Speed tools as a highly reputed manufacturer in End Mills line. And our economies of scale allow us competitive advantages. Time to time our popularity & demand in this high Tech world. As brings our unique line of End Mills and high performance results which is allowed us to have our clients trust & market share. Speed Tools mission is to function as a team dedicated to our worldwide clients by supplying the tools and machineries they need in a professional manner and with courtesy. This competition year we concentrate our End mills better performance and take advantage to provide different applications powerful technology, precise and advance facilities skilled workers makes good quality come true we focus on perfect and prompt delivery systematic facilities assurance is the heart of quality. We have strict procedures to assure quality and we keep listening to Clients voices and feed-back also devote ourselves to future improvement. Also we proudly manufacturing Clients specification & drawings.
「 貝飛特國際留遊學」的成立,是為了提供最質優的服務,不只是「代辦」而是就近關心,以外地學子的心境,給予最直接的協助,提供從申請到學成歸國的全方位照顧,就如同我們的理念一樣「Perfect your way!」
成立時間: 西元1981年 經營據點: 總部設於台南 全球佈點:共5個 、廣州 、香港 、上海 國內門市:共6個 、台北 、新竹 、台中 經營理念: 本公司秉持著『任重道遠、四通八達』的理念,提供客戶經濟,迅速、安全、可靠的優質服務,不但堅守以客戶為導向的服務原則以外,更以實事求是的精神不斷的引進嶄新的經營觀念,經由專題講座以及各種不同的訓練課程來提升員工的專業技能和素質,期盼能獲得客戶的信賴與支持,以達到公司永續經營,立足台灣放眼全球的企業目標。 榮耀事蹟: 981年-於台南成立總部。  1981年-提供空運及海運服務。  1989年-提供國際快遞服務。  1990年-進口出口報關業務。  1995年-提供整(複)合運輸服務。  1998年-提供中、港、台快遞服務。  2000年-於台中設立辦公室。  2002年-於上海設立辦公室,提供空/海運服務。  2003年-於台灣高雄、嘉義 / 大陸廣東深圳 / 及香港等處設立辦公室。  2004年-於台北市設立辦公室。  2005年-於台灣新竹 / 大陸東莞昌平、虎門設立辦公室。  2006年-於台北縣及桃園市區設立辦公室。  2007年-於桃園機場設立辦公室。  2007年-於上海設立辦公室,負責快遞業務。  2007年-加入WCA國際組織。  2007年-成立旅行社。 企業文化: 科技不斷的發展和市場不停的競爭促使我們必須永不止息的求新求變,遠達公司目前是台灣唯一跨足國際海空運貨物承攬,快遞包裹運送以及旅遊休閒規劃之全方位公司。 我們的信念正如同我們公司的名稱,我們隨時督促自己要以最完美的的服務精神和專業技能去符合我們客戶和伙伴的需求。 我們的使命是致力於提高自身的工作效率,進而有效的為我們客戶縮短運輸時間,降低運輸成本和風險,創造出一個雙贏的合作關係。
邁思會展是一間年輕、有創意、活力、服務熱忱及良好口碑的專業會展公司,提供最專業之國內外會議、企業活動之全方位諮詢、企劃暨執行服務。如果您有創意和活力,歡迎您加入我們這個大家庭! TW MICE - The Leading DMC in Taiwan TW MICE’s competitive edge is our focus, professionalism, local knowledge, language advantage and experience. We have always sought to promote and enrich Taiwan as MICE destination and provided access to perfect event experience in Taiwan. The founder and employees of TW MICE are experienced MICE industry professionals and we are passionate about the activities TW MICE promotes and offers. We are confident in our ability to meet the needs of our customers with infinite possibilities because we have been working in the MICE industry and understand the expectations. TW MICE’s confidence and ability translates into confidence for our client and a starting point towards developing long-term relationships and trust. TW MICE is your trustworthy partner for our clients who select Taiwan as their MICE destination as we are the best in the industry and our strong strategic partnerships with suppliers. Through consistent professionalism, we ensure you receive every detailed attention you deserve
Perfect skin品牌理念強調「使用國外多項專利有效成分,強化肌膚細胞自體修復能力為概念 」,來維持女性永保年輕之信念。訴求短時間修復肌膚老化狀態為宗旨。
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